Superboy 3 (G/VG)
Price: £225.00
Notes: Jul-Aug 1949.
Condition: G/VG (3.0). Some moderate general spine & cover wear, a tiny piece out at the top of the spine, small staple tears, minor chipping along the right edge of the front cover, light tanning to the inside covers, and a pencil 'v' to the front cover. |
Superboy 42 (VG- 3.5)
Price: £54.00
Notes: Jul 1955.
Condition: VG- (3.5). A large water stain to all pages at the bottom of the spine and some associated rust to the bottom staple with minor foxing along the spine. Otherwise a decent copy. |
Superboy 43 (VG- 3.5)
Price: £54.00
Notes: Sep 1955.
Condition: VG- (3.5). A water stain to all pages at the bottom of the spine, some foxing to the cover edges, and several spine creases with a heavy crease to the back cover. |
Superboy 44 (VG 4.0)
Price: £61.50
Notes: Oct 1955.
Condition: VG (4.0). Some creasing along the spine & top of the back cover, small tear by the top staple, and overhang wear to the top edge. |
Superboy 46 (G 2.0)
Price: £31.00
Notes: Jan 1956.
Condition: G (2.0). Large water stains throughout the comic, large creases to the front cover and a dust shadow to the back cover. |
Superboy 50 (G 2.0)
Price: £31.00
Notes: Jul 1956.
Condition: G (2.0). 3.5cm tear to the bottom of the spine, a chip out by the bottom staple, cover creases, a small pencil date to the front cover and a water stain to the right edge of all pages. |
Superboy 56 (G 2.0)
Price: £25.50
Notes: Apr 1957.
Condition: G (2.0). The cover is detached at the top staple, a water stain to the bottom area of both covers and the back cover is rather dirty and creased. A few of the inside pages have minor stains/smudges. |
Superboy 59 (G/VG 3.0)
Price: £38.50
Notes: Sep 1957.
Condition: G/VG (3.0). Lots of spine/cover creases & bends and a light water stain to the bottom edge of most pages. |
Superboy 60 (G- 1.8)
Price: £21.50
Notes: Oct 1957.
Condition: G- (1.8). Heavy spine-roll, the cover is detached at the top staple, lots of cover creases, a few small pieces out of the spine & chipping to the cover edges and some tanning to the inside covers. The inside page are nice. |
Superboy 61 (G 2.0)
Price: £21.00
Notes: Dec 1957.
Condition: G (2.0). The cover is detached, 2cm top spine-split, a fe cover creases, chipping to the cover edges and some tanning to the inside covers. |
Superboy 62 (G+ 2.5)
Price: £26.50
Notes: Jan 1958.
Condition: G+ (2.5). Heavy wear to the spine, lots of cover creases, some chipping/tears to the cover edges, light stains to the back cover, some tanning to the inside covers and a date stamp to the front cover. |
Superboy 64 (VG- 3.5)SOLD
Price: £36.50
Notes: Apr 1958.
Condition: VG- (3.5). Spine-roll, some wear to the spine, lots of small nicks & tears to the cover edges, and a couple of small stains to the front cover. |
Superboy 66 (VG- 3.5)
Price: £36.50
Notes: Jul 1958.
Condition: VG- (3.5). Three small pieces of tape on the spine, some general cover wear & creasing, and a small edge tear to the back cover. |
Superboy 67 (VG 4.0)
Price: £42.00
Notes: Sep 1958.
Condition: VG (4.0). Lots of spine creases, some cover creases and light general wear. |
Superboy 69 (FR 1.0)
Price: £9.00
Notes: Dec 1958.
Condition: FR (1.0). The cover & spine are tatty with lots of tears and detached at the bottom staple, the centrefold is detached, a 2cm edge tear to most inside pages and water dammage to the bottom corner. |
Superboy 70 (VG 4.0)
Price: £36.00
Notes: Jan 1959.
Condition: VG (4.0). Lots of spine creases, some cover creases, a small tear to the bottom of the front cover and light general wear. |
Superboy 73 (VG+ 4.5)
Price: £40.00
Notes: Jun 1959.
Condition: VG+ (4.5). Small tear & crease to the bottom edge of the back cover and to the right edge of the front cover & inside first page. Also a date stamp to the front cover. |
Superboy 76 (VG 4.0)SOLD
Price: £36.00
Notes: Oct 1959. 1st app. of Supermonkey.
Condition: VG (4.0). Some spine-roll, light wear to the spine, and some overhang creases/wear to the top edges of the covers. |
Superboy 77 (VG+ 4.5)
Price: £40.00
Notes: Dec 1959.
Condition: VG+ (4.5). Some light overall cover wear & small cover creases, small top staple tear at the cover & centrefold, and a felt-tip 'x' marked in the margin on the first inside pages. |
Superboy 78 (VG- 3.5)
Price: £42.00
Notes: Jan 1960. Origin of Mr Mxyzptlk & Superboy's costume.
Condition: VG- (3.5). Quite a few spine & cover creases, 1" bottom spine-split, a few small cover edge tears, and a surface tear by the bottom edge of the front cover. A band of red distribution ink to the top edge with slight overspray to the back cover. |
Superboy 80 (VG 4.0)
Price: £46.50
Notes: Apr 1960. 1st meeting of Superboy & Supergirl.
Condition: VG (4.0). Some heavy spine creases, a large bottom staple tear, and a tiny piece out of the bottom of the front cover. |
Superboy 82 (G/VG 3.0)
Price: £14.50
Notes: Jul 1960. 1st app. Bizarro Krypto.
Condition: G/VG (3.0). Heavy creases to the top edge & wear to the top-right corner of the front cover, the spine is also worn with a small tear at the top. The back cover has a few stains and a date stamp. The inside pages are nice apart from a small stain on the first page. |
Superboy 83 (VG/FN 5.0)
Price: £24.50
Notes: Sep 1960.
Condition: VG/FN (5.0). A small tear by the bottom staple, a light sticker stain over the issue no., the covers are a bit dirty, and a biro price to the back cover. The inside pages are very nice apart from a few light stains to the top of the first page. |
Superboy 84 (VG/FN 5.0)
Price: £24.50
Notes: Oct 1960.
Condition: VG/FN (5.0). A small tear by the bottom staple, and light wear to the cover edges. The back cover is a bit dirty with a pencil price. The inside pages are nice. |
Superboy 86 (VG 4.0)
Price: £33.00
Notes: Jan 1961. 1st app. Pete Ross & 4th app. The Legion of Super-Heroes.
Condition: VG (4.0). Some heavy spine creases (a few worn through the cover), and some staple tears to the cover & centrefold. |
Superboy 87 (FN+ 6.5)
Price: £38.00
Notes: Mar 1961.
Condition: FN+ (6.5). Very slight spine-roll and a pencil price to the front cover, to an otherwise decent copy. |
Superboy 87 (VG 4.0)
Price: £19.50
Notes: Mar 1961.
Condition: VG (4.0). A decent copy, but with some soiling around the top & right-edge of the front cover, and the bottom staple has just a hint of rust. The back cover is a bit dirty with a pencil price. |
Superboy 88 (G/VG 3.0)
Price: £14.50
Notes: Apr 1961.
Condition: G/VG (3.0). Heaving staining to the front cover & the inside front cover, a small tear to the top of the spine, and dirty back cover with a pencil price. |
Superboy 96 (VG 4.0)
Price: £15.00
Notes: Apr 1962.
Condition: VG (4.0). A 1" bottom spine split, lots of small creases to the spine, the front cover has a crease to the top-right corner and to the middle, and the back cover has some light chipping & small tear along the bottom edge and a very small piece out of the top-left corner. |
Superboy 97 (VG/FN 5.0)
Price: £18.75
Notes: Jun 1962.
Condition: VG/FN (5.0). A few small spine creases, a couple of small indentations & lots of small light bends to the front cover. |
Superboy 99 (VG 4.0)
Price: £15.00
Notes: Sep 1962.
Condition: VG (4.0). Small pieces out of the top & bottom of the spine, tears around the top staple, dirty back cover, and a small chip out of the bottom edge. |
Superboy 100 (VG 4.0)
Price: £25.50
Notes: Oct 1962. 1st app. of Dr Xadu & Erndine. Map of Krypton centrefold.
Condition: VG (4.0). Some light wear and a few tiny nicks to the spine, a couple of partial mug stains to the front cover, a large felt-tip price to the front cover, and the back cover is a bit dirty. |
Superboy 102 (VG+ 4.5)
Price: £15.25
Notes: Jan 1963.
Condition: VG+ (4.5). A small tear by the bottom staple, but an otherwise decent copy with a few small spine creases, a very small neat tear to the top of the spine, and a tiny stain by the top edge of the front cover. |
Superboy 103 (FN- 5.5)
Price: £18.50
Notes: Mar 1963.
Condition: FN- (5.5). A small tear/wear by the top staple, a small pencil squiggle to the top-left corner of the front cover, and the back cover is a little bit dirty in a few spots. It's an overall decent copy. |
Superboy 105 (VG 4.0)
Price: £13.50
Notes: Jun 1963.
Condition: VG (4.0). Soime fairly heavy creases to the spine, the centrefold is detached at the bottom staple, an dthe back cover is a bit dirty with light bends. |
Superboy 110 (FN+ 6.5)
Price: £25.50
Notes: Jan 1964.
Condition: FN+ (6.5). Slight spine-roll, and a small light top-left corner bend to the back cover, but otherwise a nice copy. |
Superboy 111 (FN 6.0)
Price: £20.25
Notes: Mar 1964.
Condition: FN (6.0). A few small spine creases, just a slight hint of spine-roll, tiny chip to the top-right corner of a few inside pages, and the tip of that corner is very slightly scrunched on the back cover. |
Superboy 112 (FN- 5.5)
Price: £18.50
Notes: Apr 1964.
Condition: FN- (5.5). A few spine creases, and some light general wear. There is a thin band of black distribution ink to the top edge with slight overspray. |
Superboy 113 (VG 4.0)
Price: £13.50
Notes: Jun 1964.
Condition: VG (4.0). Fairly light overall cover wear, with quite a few spine & edges creases, and some pencil marks & some biro tracing around the logo on the front cover. |
Superboy 114 (VG+ 4.5)
Price: £15.25
Notes: Jul 1964.
Condition: VG+ (4.5). Light general cover wera, with several spine creases, and a few large but light creases to the back cover. |
Superboy 117 (VG+ 4.5)
Price: £15.25
Notes: Dec 1964. The Legion of Super-Heroes app.
Condition: VG+ (4.5). Light overall wear, but with several spine creases, some general creasing to the bottom part of the front cover, a 2" top-left corner crease to the back cover, and also a price stamp to the front cover. |
Superboy 119 (FN- 5.5)
Price: £18.50
Notes: Mar 1965.
Condition: FN- (5.5). A few small spine creases, the covers are a bit dity, some wear to the bottom-right corner, a small tear to the top edge of the back cover, and a date stamp to the front cover. |
Superboy 120 (VG/FN 5.0)
Price: £16.85
Notes: Apr 1965.
Condition: VG/FN (5.0). Quite a few spine creases, some moderate colour loss along the spine, a top-right corner crease to the front cover, and both covers are a bit dirty. |
Superboy 121 (VG+ 4.5)
Price: £11.75
Notes: Jun 1965.
Condition: VG+ (4.5). Some light wear & several spine creases, a small but heavy knock to the bottom-right corner and the covers are slightly dirty. |
Superboy 122 (FN- 5.5)
Price: £14.50
Notes: Jul 1965.
Condition: FN- (5.5). A few spine creases, a bottom-left corner crease to the back cover, and some light stains to the bottom of the spine on the inside front cover. |
Superboy 123 (G/VG 3.0)
Price: £7.85
Notes: Sep 1965.
Condition: G/VG (3.0). Some small spine & cover creases with a large bottom-corner crease to all pages and the back cover is rather dirty. |
Superboy 122 (VG- 3.5)
Price: £9.25
Notes: Jul 1965.
Condition: VG- (3.5). The cover is detached at the top staple, lots of spine creases and a few small dents & bends to the covers. |
Superboy 125 (VG/FN 5.0)
Price: £13.25
Notes: Dec 1965.
Condition: VG/FN (5.0). Light overall wear, with several spine creases, small ink blot and dirty bottom edge to the back cover, and a biro number & price stamp to the front cover. |
Superboy 126 (VG/FN 5.0)
Price: £13.25
Notes: Jan 1966.
Condition: VG/FN (5.0). Quite a few spine creases & cover bends and covers are slightly dirty. |
Superboy 127 (VG- 3.5)
Price: £9.25
Notes: Mar 1966.
Condition: VG- (3.5). Quite a few spine creases, the back cover is slightly dirty and the cover is detached at the bottom staple. |