Captain America 101 (VG 4.0)
Price: £27.50
Notes: May 1968. Red Skull app. Kirby cover & art.
Condition: VG (4.0). Some light general wear, spine & cover creasing, small staple tears by the top staple at the centrefold (still attached) and slight tanning to the inside/back covers. |
Captain America 102 (FN- 5.5)
Price: £28.50
Notes: Jun 1968. Kirby cover & art.
Condition: FN- (5.5). A pair of small chips to the bottom-right edge of the front cover and slight tanning to the cover edges. Decent copy otherwise. |
Captain America 103 (FN+ 6.5)
Price: £41.50
Notes: Jul 1968. Red Skull app. Kirby cover & art.
Condition: FN+ (6.5). A few small spine creases, a small light crease to the back cover and very slight tanning to the inside cover edges. |
Captain America 104 (FN 6.0)
Price: £31.50
Notes: Aug 1968. Red Skull app. Kirby cover & art.
Condition: FN (6.0). A very small tear to the edge of the covers and some pages behind, small bend to the bottom-corner of the back cover and very slight tanning to the inside cover edges - but otherwi |
Captain America 105 (VF+ 8.5)
Price: £68.50
Notes: Sep 1968. Kirby cover & art.
Condition: VF+ (8.5). Nice copy with just very slight wear and a non-colour-breaking production crease to the front cover. |
Captain America 106 (VF- 7.5)
Price: £50.00
Notes: Oct 1968. Kirby cover & art.
Condition: VF- (7.5). A deceny copy with just very slight egenral wear and very slight tanning to the inside cover edges. |
Captain America 106 (VG/FN 5.0)
Price: £22.50
Notes: Oct 1968. Kirby cover & art.
Condition: VG/FN (5.0). Light wear with lots of small spine & cover corner creases and a price stamp to the front cover. Slight tanning ot the inside covers and slightly dirty back cover. |
Captain America 108 (FN 6.0)
Price: £27.50
Notes: Dec 1968. Kirby cover & art.
Condition: FN (6.0). Light tanning to the inside cover edges and an ever-so-slight water stain to the bottom-right corner to an otherwise nice copy. |
Captain America 110 (CGC 9.0)
Price: £400.00
Notes: Feb 1969. 1st app. of Madame Hydra (later becomes Viper). Hulk app. Jim Steranko story & cover, Jim Steranko and Joe Sinnott art.
Condition: CGC 9.0. Off-White pages. |
Captain America 112 (VF- 7.5)
Price: £55.00
Notes: Apr 1969. Kirby cover & art.
Condition: VF- (7.5). A nice copy with a slight furrow along the back cover spine and a couple of small spine ticks. |
Captain America 120 (FN+ 6.5)
Price: £18.50
Notes: Dec 1969.
Condition: FN+ (6.5). A few small spine creases, a small bottom-corner crease to the front cover and ever-so-slightly dirty back cover. |
Captain America 121 (FN/VF 7.0)
Price: £17.50
Notes: Jan 1970.
Condition: FN/VF (7.0). A few minor dents by the top edge and a few non-colour-breaking production creases to the cover. |
Captain America 130 (VG 4.0)
Price: £8.00
Notes: Oct 1970.
Condition: VG (4.0). The cover is detached at the top staple and a very small chip out of the top-corner of the back cover, but otherwise a very decent copy. |
Captain America 131 (VF 8.0)
Price: £23.50
Notes: Nov 1970.
Condition: VF (8.0). Just very minor wear, a few small spine ticks and ever-so-slightly dirty back cover. The staples are slightly offset forward onto the front cover. |
Captain America 133 (VG/FN 5.0)
Price: £10.00
Notes: Jan 1971.
Condition: VG/FN (5.0). Lots of spine creases and a few cover bends/light creases. |
Captain America 135 (VF- 7.5)
Price: £20.00
Notes: Mar 1971.
Condition: VF- (7.5). Very slight furrow along the spine, a few small spine ticks and ever-so-slightly dirty back cover. |
Captain America 136 (VF+ 8.5)
Price: £26.50
Notes: Apr 1971.
Condition: VF+ (8.5). Very slightly dirty back cover. |
Captain America 136 (VF 8.0)
Price: £23.50
Notes: Apr 1971.
Condition: VF (8.0). Tiny crease to the bottom-right corner of the front cover and ever-so-slightly dirty back cover. |
Captain America 143 (FN- 5.5)SOLD
Price: £11.50
Notes: Nov 1971. 52-pgs. Red Skull app.
Condition: FN- (5.5). Light general wear and the covers are a bit dirty. Small bookstore stamp to the front cover. |
Captain America 144 (G 2.0)SOLD
Price: £3.50
Notes: Dec 1971.
Condition: G (2.0). Heavy spine-roll, wear & creasing with a stain to the front cover and a small piece out of the back cover. |
Captain America 145 (FN 6.0)
Price: £7.65
Notes: Jan 1972.
Condition: FN (6.0). Several spine crease and slightly dirty cover with some minor foxing to the top of the front cover. |
Captain America 146 (VG/FN 5.0)
Price: £6.50
Notes: Feb 1972.
Condition: VG/FN (5.0). Several spine creases & small cover dents and a pair of long ink smudges to the back cover. |
Captain America 146 (VG- 3.5)SOLD
Price: £4.50
Notes: Feb 1972.
Condition: VG- (3.5). Lots of spine & cover creases, the staples are a bit rusty and the back cover is a bit dirty with some light stains. |
Captain America 147 (VG+ 4.5)SOLD
Price: £5.75
Notes: Mar 1972.
Condition: VG+ (4.5). Heavy spine creasing, some light general wear and a light water stain to the top of the back cover. |
Captain America 148 (VG- 3.5)
Price: £4.50
Notes: Apr 1972. Red Skull app.
Condition: VG- (3.5). Slight spine-roll and quite heavy general wear. |
Captain America 149 (VG 4.0)SOLD
Price: £5.10
Notes: May 1972.
Condition: VG (4.0). Some general wear and dirty back cover with some small stains. |
Captain America 150 (FN 6.0)SOLD
Price: £7.65
Notes: Jun 1972.
Condition: FN (6.0). Some small spine creases & small cover bends and a minor stain to the back cover. |
Captain America 151 (VG+ 4.5)SOLD
Price: £5.75
Notes: Jul 1972.
Condition: VG+ (4.5). Some general wear, lots of spine creases and the back cover is a rather dirty. A small band of red distribution ink at the top edge. |
Captain America 152 (FN+ 6.5)
Price: £10.25
Notes: Aug 1972.
Condition: FN+ (6.5). A few small spine creases and a small top-corner crease to the front cover. |
Captain America 152 (VG 4.0)SOLD
Price: £5.10
Notes: Aug 1972.
Condition: VG (4.0). Some general wear, lots of spine creases, some small cover stains and the back cover is a rather dirty. |
Captain America 153 (VG 4.0)SOLD
Price: £10.00
Notes: Sep 1972. 1st brief app. of Jack Monroe.
Condition: VG (4.0). Slight spine-roll, some general wear, lots of spine & cover creases and the back cover is a rather dirty. |
Captain America 154 (VG/FN 5.0)SOLD
Price: £12.50
Notes: Oct 1972. 1st full app. of Jack Monroe.
Condition: VG/FN (5.0). Lots of spine creases, a couple of cover edge creases, a small stain to the front cover and the back cover is a bit dirty. A band of red distribution ink to the top edge. |
Captain America 155 (VG 4.0)SOLD
Price: £10.00
Notes: Nov 1972. Origin retold.
Condition: VG (4.0). Lots of spine creases and some stains & an erased pencil price to the back cover with a bit of a water stain to the top of the right edge of all pages. A small band of black distribution ink to the t |
Captain America 156 (VG+ 4.5)SOLD
Price: £9.00
Notes: Dec 1972. Classic Captain America vs Captain America cover.
Condition: VG+ (4.5). Quite a few spine & cover creases, the back cover is a bit dirty and a felt-tip price to the front cover. |
Captain America 157 (VG+ 4.5)SOLD
Price: £5.75
Notes: Jan 1973.
Condition: VG+ (4.5). Lots of spine creases, some cover large corner creases and an erased pencil price to the back cover. |
Captain America 158 (VG+ 4.5)SOLD
Price: £5.10
Notes: Feb 1973.
Condition: VG+ (4.5). Lots of spine & cover creases and a pair of small tears to the top edge of the back cover. |
Captain America 159 (VG+ 4.5)
Price: £5.75
Notes: Mar 1973.
Condition: VG+ (4.5). Lots of heavy spine creases and an erased pencil price to the back cover. |
Captain America 160 (VG 4.0)SOLD
Price: £5.10
Notes: Apr 1973.
Condition: VG (4.0). Some spine & cover creases and a 3cm tear to the top edge of the back cover. |
Captain America 161 (G/VG 3.0)
Price: £3.85
Notes: May 1973.
Condition: G/VG (3.0). Some general wear, spine & cover creases, ceases along the bottom edge of all pages and a small stain to the top-right corner. |
Captain America 162 (G+ 2.5)
Price: £2.50
Notes: Jun 1973.
Condition: G+ (2.5). Heavy spine & cover creases with a few to inside pages also, and an erased pencil price to the back cover. |
Captain America 163 (VG/FN 5.0)SOLD
Price: £6.50
Notes: Jul 1973. 1st app. of the Serpent Squad.
Condition: VG/FN (5.0). Lots of spine creases & small cover bends, a small water stain to the front cover and an erased pencil price to the back cover. |
Captain America 164 (VG/FN 5.0)
Price: £6.35
Notes: Aug 1973. 1st app. of Nightshade.
Condition: VG/FN (5.0). Lots of spine creases, a couple of cover corner creases, some tiny dents to the front cover and an erased pencil price to the back cover. |
Captain America 165 (G+ 2.5)
Price: £3.25
Notes: Sep 1973.
Condition: G+ (2.5). Lots of spine & cover creases and dents, a few edge creases to inside pages and an erased pencil price to the back cover. |
Captain America 166 (VG 4.0) pence
Price: £4.00
Notes: Oct 1973. Pence copy.
Condition: VG (4.0). Light wear, quite a few spine & cover creases and the back cover is rather dirty. |
Captain America 166 (G/VG 3.0)
Price: £3.85
Notes: Oct 1973.
Condition: G/VG (3.0). Lots of spine & cover creases, small worn area by the top of the spine and the back cover is a bit dirty. |
Captain America 166 (G 2.0)
Price: £2.50
Notes: Oct 1973.
Condition: G (2.0). Heavy wear & spine/cover creases and a biro price to the front cover. |
Captain America 167 (FN+ 6.5)
Price: £6.50
Notes: Nov 1973.
Condition: FN+ (6.5). A few small spine & cover edge creases, a light crease to the front cover and some production roller tracks to the covers. |
Captain America 167 (G/VG 3.0)
Price: £3.85
Notes: Nov 1973.
Condition: G/VG (3.0). A few spine creases and a water stain along the bottom edge. |
Captain America 167 (G/VG 3.0)
Price: £3.85
Notes: Nov 1973.
Condition: G/VG (3.0). A messy stain to the top edge, mostly on the back cover and lots of spine & cover creases. |
Captain America 168 (G+ 2.5)SOLD
Price: £8.75
Notes: Dec 1973. 1st app. of Helmut Zemo.
Condition: G+ (2.5). Heavy spine & cover creases and a bottom-corner crease to most pages. |