My Greatest Adventure 3 (FR/G 1.5)
Price: £13.25
Notes: May 1955.
Condition: FR/G (1.5). Heavy cover wear & creasing, especially to the spine which has lots of small tears with larger ones onto the back cover, a few edge tears, spine-roll, book-length vertical crease to the front cover, and lots of bottom-right corner creases to the cover & some inside pages. Also a few stains to the front and inside front cover which also has some blue paint marks. |
My Greatest Adventure 4 (G 2.0)
Price: £20.00
Notes: Jul 1955.
Condition: G (2.0). Heavy wear to the spine & around the staples with some spine/staple tears, lots of small cover bends & creases, a thin piece out of the top edge of the front cover, top edge overhang creases, small stain near the bottom of the front cover, and the back cover has a few smudges and a tiny pencil price . |
My Greatest Adventure 5 (G- 1.8)
Price: £16.50
Notes: Sep 1955.
Condition: G- (1.8). Heavy creasing along the spine & top edge, small pieces out of the spine corners & top-right corner of the front cover, both covers have some stains, large creases and an edge tear, and the back cover also has a date stamp. |
My Greatest Adventure 8 (G 2.0)
Price: £16.25
Notes: Mar 1956.
Condition: G (2.0). Lots of spine creases, many small bends generally to the covers, staple tears, and the front cover has corner creases & lots of small dents, Also, both right-hand corners also have a stain that also affects some inside pages to a lesser extent. |
My Greatest Adventure 11 (G 2.0)
Price: £11.50
Notes: Oct 1956.
Condition: G (2.0). Quite heavy spine-roll, some general wear & creases to the covers, heavier creasing along the spine with some spine & staple tears. |
My Greatest Adventure 14 (G+ 2.5)
Price: £14.50
Notes: Apr 1957.
Condition: G+ (2.5). Moderate overall cover wear with heavier wear & a few small tears to the spine/cover edges, the staples are a little rusty, the cover is almost worn through at the bottom staple, and the back cover is rather dirty with a biro name near the bottom edge. |
My Greatest Adventure 18 (G/VG 3.0)
Price: £21.75
Notes: Dec 1957. Kirby art.
Condition: G/VG (3.0). A few spine creases, wear to the spine & cover edges, a few very small edge tears, and heavy ink staining to the top of the cover & inside pages. |
My Greatest Adventure 22 (G- 1.8)
Price: £8.25
Notes: Aug 1958.
Condition: G- (1.8). The cover is detached at the top staple and there are large staple tears around the bottom staple, heavy wear & creasing to the spine and to the cover generally, and small stain to the bottom of the back cover. |
My Greatest Adventure 23 (G- 1.8)
Price: £8.25
Notes: Sep 1958.
Condition: G- (1.8). Some spine-roll with lots of spine creases/tears, the centrefold is detached at the bottom staple, lots of general creasing to the covers, a few small edge tears, and there are several stains to teh front cover and large but light water stains towards the bottom of the back cover which also has a pencil price. |
My Greatest Adventure 24 (FR 1.5)
Price: £5.00
Notes: Oct 1958.
Condition: FR (1.5). The heavily worn cover is totally detached, large tears to and around the spine, and has lots of creases, small pieces out, and large water stains to the covers, and some corner creases to the first few inside pages. |
My Greatest Adventure 26 (G+ 2.5)
Price: £12.35
Notes: Dec 1958.
Condition: G+ (2.5). Heavy wear to the spine, some lesser wear & small creases generally to the covers, with a large bottom-right corner crease and a bookstore stamp to the front cover, and some small stains and a tiny pencil price to the back cover. |
My Greatest Adventure 27 (G+ 2.5)
Price: £12.35
Notes: Jan 1959.
Condition: G+ (2.5). A few spine creases, water stains along the top edges of both covers, some small edge tears & a small piece out of the bottom-left corner of the back cover, and a small bug chew to some of the inside pages to that same corner. |
My Greatest Adventure 29 (G 2.0)
Price: £8.15
Notes: Mar 1959.
Condition: G (2.0). Heavy creasing along the spine, several small tears to the spine/staples & to the cover edges, and very small pieces out of the bottom edge of the front cover & to the spine corners. The front cover also has a few creases, and the back cover has a pencil price, some very small stains and some heavy creases, and some light tanning to the inside cover edges. |
My Greatest Adventure 30 (VG- 3.5)
Price: £14.25
Notes: Apr 1959.
Condition: VG- (3.5). 3/4" bottom spine slit, lots of spine creases, a few general cover & corner creases, and the back cover is a little dirty with a stain to the top edge and a tiny pencil price. |
My Greatest Adventure 31 (VG+ 4.5)
Price: £14.35
Notes: May 1959.
Condition: VG+ (4.5). Several spine creases, the front cover has a bottom-right corner crease, a date stamp, & a light stain to the top-right corner area, a pencil price to the back cover which is a little dirty, and light tanning to the inside cover edges. Also a band of black distribution ink to the top edge. |
My Greatest Adventure 37 (G 2.0)
Price: £6.40
Notes: Nov 1959.
Condition: G (2.0). Heavy wear & creasing to the spine, and to a lesser extent to the covers generally, staple tears, date stamp to the front cover, and a pencil price & large stains to the back cover. There are also a few smaller stains near the bottom edge of some inside pages, and a band of blue distribution ink to both the top & bottom edges with slight overspray. |
My Greatest Adventure 38 (G 2.0)
Price: £6.40
Notes: Dec 1959.
Condition: G (2.0). Light overall wear & some creasing to the covers & spine, small spine/staple tears with a 3/4" bottom spine-split, some small surface tears, a small stain & date stamp to the front cover, while the back cover has a 1" tear & some smaller edge tears/chipping. Also, a biro name to the inside first page. |
My Greatest Adventure 39 (G 2.0)
Price: £6.40
Notes: Jan 1960.
Condition: G (2.0). Lots of spine & general cover creases, minor soiling to the back cover, 1" bottom spine-split, the centrefold is detached at the bottom staple, chipping to the cover edges, date stamp to the front cover, pencil price to the back cover, and a biro name to the inside first page. |
My Greatest Adventure 40 (G+ 2.5)
Price: £8.00
Notes: Feb 1960.
Condition: G+ (2.5). 3/4" bottom spine-split, small pieces out of the bottom of the spine, the bottom edges of both covers, and two larger pieces out of the left edge of the back cover, and the back cover is also rather dirty. |
My Greatest Adventure 41 (VG+ 4.5)
Price: £11.75
Notes: Mar 1960.
Condition: VG+ (4.5). A few small spine creases, a small stain to the right edge of the front cover and to the top edges of both covers near the the spine. Also, a small chip out of the bottom-right corner of the front cover, and the back cover is a little dirty with a tiny pencil price. |
My Greatest Adventure 42 (VG+ 4.5)
Price: £11.75
Notes: Apr 1960.
Condition: VG+ (4.5). A few spine & corner creases, 1/2" top spine-split, a crease through the logo & tiny chip out of the right edge of the front cover, the back cover is a little dirty, and a pencil price to the inside first page. |
My Greatest Adventure 43 (G/VG 3.0)
Price: £8.75
Notes: May 1960. Kirby art.
Condition: G/VG (3.0). The front cover is a bit dirty with some general wear & light stains and a pencil number, while the spine has several small tears, very small pieces out by the bottom staple (still attached), and quite a few white stains on the inside covers along the spine. The back cover is also rather dirty with a 1/2 tear by the top edge, and a tiny pencil price. |
My Greatest Adventure 44 (G- 1.8)
Price: £4.35
Notes: Jun 1960.
Condition: G- (1.8). Heavy wear along the spine & cover edges, top & bottom 3/4" spine-splits with small pieces out, and a larger 1/2" triangle piece out by the bottom-right corner of the front cover. The edges & spine have water stains along them and this appears to have contributed to the brittleness. There is also some soiling to the back cover which has a pencil price. |
My Greatest Adventure 45 (G- 1.8)
Price: £4.35
Notes: Jul 1960.
Condition: G- (1.8). A messy bottom spine-split almost to the bottom staple, and another large split almost the length between the staples (cover still attached at both staples), the centrefold is detached at the bottom staple, heavy creasing to the cover edges & to the back cover which is also dirty and has a pencil price, and the front cover has some lesser creasing with a scratched number. |
My Greatest Adventure 47 (FR/G 1.5)
Price: £3.50
Notes: Sep 1960.
Condition: FR/G (1.5). The cover is completely detached with several large tears along the spine, heavy creasing to the covers, and the edges have many small tears & some pieces out, a pencil price to the back cover, and bands of orange distribution ink to the top & bottom edges. The inside pages are still nice condition. |
My Greatest Adventure 49 (FR/G 1.5)
Price: £3.50
Notes: Nov 1960.
Condition: FR/G (1.5). Some general cover/edge wear, a large messy tear to the bottom of the spine up to the bottom staple, some smaller further spine/staple tears, water stains to the top & bottom edges/corners of both covers, and a pencil price to back cover & pencil doodle to the inside first page. |
My Greatest Adventure 50 (FN- 5.5)
Price: £14.35
Notes: Dec 1960.
Condition: FN- (5.5). Light wear & a few small creases to the spine & cover edges, some small digs on the top edge of the front cover by the spine, and the back cover is a little dirty with a pencil price. |
My Greatest Adventure 51 (FR/G 1.5)
Price: £3.50
Notes: Jan 1961.
Condition: FR/G (1.5). The cover & first three wraps are detached at the bottom staple, heavy stains to both covers with associated colour loss on the front cover, a few small pieces out of the edges of the back cover, and a pencil price to the back cover. |
My Greatest Adventure 53 (VG 4.0)
Price: £10.50
Notes: Mar 1961.
Condition: VG (4.0). A few small spine creases, some water ripples & associated colour loss near the top edge of the back cover, a pencil initial to the front cover, and a pencil price to the back cover. |
My Greatest Adventure 54 (G- 1.8)
Price: £4.85
Notes: Apr 1961.
Condition: G- (1.8). The cover is split up from the bottom about 1/3 the length and detached from the bottom staple, general cover wear & creases and the back cover has a small piece out of the edge and some biro writing. |
My Greatest Adventure 55 (VG 4.0)
Price: £10.50
Notes: May 1961.
Condition: VG (4.0). Heavy wear & creasing along the spine, small tear to the top edge of the front cover near the spine, moderate spine-roll, and the back cover is a little dirty with a few smudges and a pencil price. |
My Greatest Adventure 56 (VG- 3.5)
Price: £9.15
Notes: Jun 1961.
Condition: VG- (3.5). Quite heavy spine-roll, some wear & lots of spine/edge creases, small staple tears, a 1/2" tear to the top edge of the front cover, and a few small nicks to the cover edges. |
My Greatest Adventure 59 (VG+ 4.5)
Price: £11.75
Notes: Sep 1961.
Condition: VG+ (4.5). A 3/4" top spine-split, a few small spine creases, small top-right corner creases to the front cover, and the back cover has a light dust shadow to the top edge with a pencil price. |
My Greatest Adventure 61 (VG+ 4.5)
Price: £11.75
Notes: Nov 1961.
Condition: VG+ (4.5). Light wear to the spine & cover edges, a few small spine & cover creases, the centrefold is detached at the bottom staple, and the back cover is a little dirty with a pencil price & a few tiny nicks to the edges. |