Detective Comics 367 (G+ 2.5)
Price: £6.50
Notes: Sep 1967. Featuring Batman in "Where There's a Will - There's a Slay!". The Elongated Man back-up.
Condition: G+ (2.5) The centrefold is completely detached, and some light overall wear to the cover. |
Detective Comics 368 (VG/FN 5.0)
Price: £13.25
Notes: Oct 1967.
Condition: VG/FN (5.0). Light wear to the cover, several spine creases, a small knock to the bottom of the spine and the back cover is a little dirty. |
Detective Comics 369 (FN+ 6.5)
Price: £100.00
Notes: Nov 1967. Neal Adams art on Elongated Man back-up.
Condition: FN+ (6.5). Light wear along the spine, several spine creases and the back cover is a bit dirty. |
Detective Comics 370 (FN 6.0)
Price: £35.00
Notes: Dec 1967. Featuring Batman in "The Nemesis from Batman's Boyhood!". The Elongated Man back-up. The cover is the first Neal Adams art on Batman.
Condition: FN (6.0). Light wear to the cover generally with some slight colour loss especially along the spine, a few small spine creases, and a felt-tip number on the front cover |
Detective Comics 370 (VG/FN 5.0)
Price: £25.00
Notes: Dec 1967. Featuring Batman in "The Nemesis from Batman's Boyhood!". The Elongated Man back-up. The cover is the first Neal Adams art on Batman.
Condition: VG/FN (5.0). A few small spine & cover edge creases, small knock to the bottom of the spine, a light bottom-corner crease to some pages and slightly dirty back cover |
Detective Comics 372 (G 2.0)
Price: £4.50
Notes: Feb 1968. Neal Adams cover.
Condition: G (2.0). Some general cover wear, the cover & first wrap are detached at the bottom staple and the centrefold is detached. |
Detective Comics 374 (VG/FN 5.0)
Price: £11.25
Notes: Apr 1968.
Condition: VG/FN (5.0). Several spine creases, some small tears to the top edge of the front cover and the back cover is rather dirty. |
Detective Comics 374 (VG- 3.5)
Price: £7.85
Notes: Apr 1968. Featuring Batman in "Hunt for a Robin-Killer!". The Elongated Man back-up.
Condition: VG- (3.5). The cover is detached at the bottom staple, a few spine creases, and a small tear to the left edge of the back cover. |
Detective Comics 375 (FN 6.0)
Price: £18.00
Notes: May 1968.
Condition: FN (6.0). A few small spine creases, a small dent to the top edge, a non-colour-breaking production crease to both covers and the back cover is a bit dirty. |
Detective Comics 375 (VG/FN 5.0)
Price: £15.00
Notes: May 1968.
Condition: VG/FN (5.0). Some creasing along the spine, light general wear and the back cover is a bit dirty. |
Detective Comics 376 (VG- 3.5)
Price: £7.85
Notes: Jun 1968.
Condition: VG- (3.5). Some general wear, spine & cover creases, the top staple is rusty and the back cover is rather dirty . |
Detective Comics 378 (VG+ 4.5)
Price: £10.25
Notes: Aug 1968.
Condition: VG+ (4.5). Some cover wear & creases and dirty back cover. |
Detective Comics 378 (VG+ 4.5)
Price: £10.25
Notes: Aug 1968.
Condition: VG+ (4.5). Spine creases, some light general wear and the back cover is dirty with a biro number. |
Detective Comics 379 (VG+ 4.5)
Price: £10.25
Notes: Sep 1968.
Condition: VG+ (4.5). Some cover & spine wear and dirty back cover. |
Detective Comics 380 (VG 4.0)
Price: £9.00
Notes: Oct 1968.
Condition: VG (4.0). Some spine & cover creases and tanning to the back & inside cover edges. |
Detective Comics 381 (VG/FN 5.0)
Price: £11.25
Notes: Nov 1968. Featuring Batman in "One Drown - One More to Go!". The Elongated Man back-up.
Condition: VG/FN (5.0). Several quite heavy spine creases, light wear to the top & bottom of the spine, and the back cover is a little dirty. |
Detective Comics 382 (VG/FN 5.0)
Price: £11.25
Notes: Dec 1968.
Condition: VG/FN (5.0). Light cover wear, some spine & cover edge creases and dirty back cover. Also a few large non-colour-breaking production creases to the covers. |
Detective Comics 383 (FN 6.0)
Price: £18.00
Notes: Jan 1969.
Condition: FN (6.0). A thin furrow along the back cover spine, light knock/crease to the bottom-right corner and slightly dirty back cover. |
Detective Comics 384 (VG 4.0)
Price: £9.00
Notes: Feb 1969.
Condition: VG (4.0). Lots of spine & cover edge reases and quite heavy foxing to the inside of the covers. |
Detective Comics 385 (VF- 7.5)
Price: £50.00
Notes: Mar 1969. Neal Adams cover.
Condition: VF- (7.5). Decent copy with just light cover wear, the cover is very slightly loose by the staples, and slightly dirty back cover. |
Detective Comics 386 (VF 8.0)
Price: £33.00
Notes: Apr 1969.
Condition: VF (8.0). Several spine creases, minor dig to the spine and slightly dirty back cover. |
Detective Comics 387 (VG 4.0)
Price: £15.00
Notes: May 1969.
Condition: VG (4.0). Light cover wear, lots of small spine & light cover creases and the back cover is a bit dirty. |
Detective Comics 388 (FN/VF 7.0)
Price: £70.00
Notes: Jun 1969. Joker app.
Condition: FN/VF (7.0). Some spine creases, bends to the top of the back cover, the back cover is a little dirty and some non-colour-breaking production creases to the covers. |
Detective Comics 389 (FN- 5.5)
Price: £12.50
Notes: Jul 1969. Featuring Batman in "Batman's Evil Eye". Batgirl back-up. Neal Adams cover.
Condition: FN- (5.5). A few small staple creases, light overall wear to the cover, with several shallow line indentations to the back cover which is slightly dirty and has a pen number. |
Detective Comics 390 (VG/FN 5.0)
Price: £11.25
Notes: Aug 1969.
Condition: VG/FN (5.0). Light general wear, spine & cover edge/corner creases and the back cover is lightly dirty. Also, a few large non-colour-breaking production creases to the covers. |
Detective Comics 391 (VG/FN 5.0)
Price: £11.25
Notes: Sep 1969. Neal Adams cover.
Condition: VG/FN (5.0). Lots of spine creases, a few small cover edge creases and the back cover is a bit dirty. |
Detective Comics 392 (FN 6.0)
Price: £13.50
Notes: Oct 1969. Neal Adams cover.
Condition: FN (6.0). A few spine creases and the back cover is a bit dirty with a small stain by the bottom edge. |
Detective Comics 393 (VG/FN 5.0)
Price: £11.25
Notes: Nov 1969.
Condition: VG/FN (5.0). Some spine & cover edge creases, a couple of light cover creases and the back cover is a bit dirty. |
Detective Comics 394 (FN- 5.5)
Price: £13.50
Notes: Dec 1969. Featuring Batman in "A Victim's Victim". Robin back-up. Neal Adams cover.
Condition: FN- (5.5). Light cover wear, some spine & cover edge creases and the back cover is a bit dirty with a small felt-tip 'x', |
Detective Comics 396 (FN- 5.5)
Price: £12.50
Notes: Feb 1970. Featuring Batman in "The Brain Pickers". Batgirl back-up. Neal Adams cover.
Condition: FN- (5.5). A few spine creases, a bottom-right corner crease to the front cover, a few small light bends to the back cover, and the covers are slightly dirty. |
Detective Comics 397 (FN- 5.5)
Price: £30.00
Notes: Mar 1970. Neal Adams cover & art.
Condition: FN- (5.5). Light cover wear, svereal spine creases, a very minor knock to the top of the top-right corner and the back cover is a little dirty. |
Detective Comics 398 (FN- 5.5)
Price: £16.50
Notes: Apr 1970. Neal Adams cover.
Condition: FN- (5.5). Several spine & cover edge creases, light wear to the cover edges and the back cover is a bit dirty. |
Detective Comics 413 (VG 4.0)SOLD
Price: £7.50
Notes: Jul 1971. Neal Adams cover.
Condition: VG (4.0). Creasing & a slight furrow along the spine, a few smaller cover edge creases and a minor stain to the top of the back cover. |
Detective Comics 414 (FN- 5.5)
Price: £12.50
Notes: Aug 1971. Featuring Batman. Batgirl back-up.
Condition: FN- (5.5). Slight spine-roll and dirty back cover. A large band of green distribution ink to the top edge. |
Detective Comics 418 (VG+ 4.5)
Price: £10.25
Notes: Dec 1971. 52-pgs. Neal Adams cover.
Condition: VG+ (4.5). A scratch to the front cover, some wear/creasing to the right-edge of the front cover and the covers are a bit dirty with some light foxing. |
Detective Comics 419 (VG/FN 5.0)
Price: £11.25
Notes: Jan 1972. 52-pgs. Neal Adams cover.
Condition: VG/FN (5.0). General wear, small cover creases, a small tear to the top edge of the front cover and slightly dusty staples. |
Detective Comics 423 (VG/FN 5.0)
Price: £11.25
Notes: May 1972. Featuring Batman. Batgirl back-up.
Condition: VG/FN (5.0). Light wear to the top edge, and the back coveris a bit dirty with some foxing to the edges. |
Detective Comics 423 (G/VG 3.0)
Price: £6.75
Notes: May 1972. 52-pgs.
Condition: G/VG (3.0). Very slight spine-roll, some spine & cover creases, light general wear, slightly rusty staples and dirty back cover. |
Detective Comics 425 (VG+ 4.5)
Price: £8.50
Notes: Jul 1972. Wrightson cover.
Condition: VG+ (4.5). A quite heavy bend along the spine, several spine creases and a small stain to the back cover. |
Detective Comics 426 (FN 6.0)
Price: £11.25
Notes: Aug 1972.
Condition: FN (6.0). Lots of spine creases, small bottom-corner crease to the front cover and slightly dirty back cover. |
Detective Comics 426 (VG+ 4.5)
Price: £8.50
Notes: Aug 1972.
Condition: VG+ (4.5). Several quite heavy spine creases, and a top-right corner crease to the front cover, and inside pages. There are a few more small light creases/bends to the front cover, but the rest of the comic is in better shape. |
Detective Comics 427 (VG 4.0)
Price: £7.50
Notes: Sep 1972.
Condition: VG (4.0). Genereral wear & cover creases, small staple tears and the back cover is a bit dirty. |
Detective Comics 428 (FN- 5.5)SOLD
Price: £13.75
Notes: Oct 1972.
Condition: FN- (5.5). Lots of spine creases, light general wear and slightly dirty back cover. |
Detective Comics 430 (FN 6.0)
Price: £11.25
Notes: Dec 1972.
Condition: FN (6.0). A few small spine & cover edge creases and the back cover is slightly dirty with a light bend along the top edge. |
Detective Comics 431 (FN 6.0)
Price: £11.25
Notes: Jan 1973.
Condition: FN (6.0). Lots of spine creases and some light wear. |
Detective Comics 432 (VG+ 4.5)
Price: £8.50
Notes: Feb 1973.
Condition: VG+ (4.5). Creasing along the spine, light wear to the right edge and the centrefold is detached at the bottom staple. |
Detective Comics 433 (VG/FN 5.0)
Price: £9.50
Notes: Mar 1972. Featuring Batman.
Condition: VG/FN (5.0). Several spine & cover edge creases . Large band of distribution ink to the top edge. |
Detective Comics 433 (G/VG 3.0)
Price: £5.65
Notes: Mar 1973.
Condition: G/VG (3.0). General wear, lots of cover creases and the back cover is a bit dirty. |
Detective Comics 434 (VG+ 4.5)SOLD
Price: £8.50
Notes: Apr 1972. Featuring Batman.
Condition: VG+ (4.5). Lots of spine creases, slight chipping to the right edge and some foxing to the cover edges. A band of blue distribution ink to the top edge. |
Detective Comics 434 (G/VG 3.0)
Price: £5.65
Notes: Apr 1973.
Condition: G/VG (3.0). Wear to the spine & cover edges, lots of spine creases and the back cover is a bit dirty. |