Daredevil 122 (VG/FN 5.0)
Price: £5.65
Notes: Jun 1975.
Condition: VG/FN (5.0). A few spine creases and loss of colour to the top edge of the front cover. |
Daredevil 122 (VG/FN 5.0)
Price: £5.65
Notes: Jun 1975.
Condition: VG/FN (5.0). Light general wear, small spine creases and slightly dirty back cover. |
Daredevil 123 (FN/VF 7.0)
Price: £8.65
Notes: Jul 1975.
Condition: FN/VF (7.0). A few small spine creases and the back cover is slightly dirty. A red band of distribution ink to the top edge. |
Daredevil 123 (FN+ 6.5) pence
Price: £7.50
Notes: Jul 1975. Pence copy.
Condition: FN+ (6.5). Just light cover wear with some small bends and the back cover is slightly dirty. |
Daredevil 123 (VG 4.0)
Price: £4.50
Notes: Jul 1975.
Condition: VG (4.0). Lots of cover creases and the comic is slightly miscut at an angle. |
Daredevil 123 (VG 4.0) pence
Price: £4.50
Notes: Jul 1975. Pence copy.
Condition: VG (4.0). Several spine & cover creases and the back cover is a little dirty. |
Daredevil 124 (FN 6.0)SOLD
Price: £6.75
Notes: Aug 1975.
Condition: FN (6.0). Several spine creases, and with a larger spine crease to the front cover above the top staple. |
Daredevil 124 (VG+ 4.5)SOLD
Price: £5.00
Notes: Aug 1975. 1st app. of Copperhead.
Condition: VG+ (4.5). Lots of spine & cover edge creases with a large bottom-corner crease to the front cover. |
Daredevil 125 (FN- 5.5)
Price: £6.25
Notes: Sep 1975.
Condition: FN- (5.5). A few small spine creases & thin cover edge creases, and the back cover is rather dirty. A band of green distribution ink to the top edge |
Daredevil 125 (VG 4.0)
Price: £4.50
Notes: Sep 1975.
Condition: VG (4.0). A furrow along the spine, several spine creases, a large crease to the front cover and the back cover is a bit dirty. |
Daredevil 125 (VG 4.0) pence
Price: £4.50
Notes: Sep 1975. Pence copy.
Condition: VG (4.0). Some cover creases, a heavy bottom corner crease to several inside page and the back cover is a little dirty. |
Daredevil 126 (VG/FN 5.0)SOLD
Price: £5.65
Notes: Oct 1975.
Condition: VG/FN (5.0). Lots of spine & edge creases, some cover bends and dirty back cover. |
Daredevil 126 (VG/FN 5.0) pence
Price: £5.65
Notes: Oct 1975. Pence copy.
Condition: VG/FN (5.0). A few small spine creases and the back cover has a few scratches and a dent. |
Daredevil 126 (VG 4.0)SOLD
Price: £4.50
Notes: Oct 1975.
Condition: VG (4.0). Lots of spine creases, light wear to the cover edges and the back cover is slightlu dirty with a very small piece out of the top-corner. |
Daredevil 127 (VG+ 4.5)SOLD
Price: £5.00
Notes: Nov 1975.
Condition: VG+ (4.5). Several spine creases and light cover creases. |
Daredevil 128 (VG/FN 5.0)
Price: £5.65
Notes: Dec 1975.
Condition: VG/FN (5.0). Some spine & cover edge creases and the back cover is a bit dirty. |
Daredevil 132 (VG+ 4.5)
Price: £12.50
Notes: Apr 1976. 2nd app. of new Bullseye.
Condition: VG+ (4.5). Slight furrow along the spine and lots of small spine & small cover creases. |
Daredevil 134 (VG 4.0)
Price: £4.50
Notes: Jun 1976.
Condition: VG (4.0). Some general wear, spine & cover creases and the back cover is a little dirty. |
Daredevil 134 (G 2.0)
Price: £2.25
Notes: Jun 1976.
Condition: G (2.0). Some genera wear, cover craesing, water stain to the top of the spine, piece out of the edge of the front cover and some biro writing on an inside page. |
Daredevil 135 (VG+ 4.5)
Price: £5.00
Notes: Jul 1976.
Condition: VG+ (4.5). Quite a few spine creases and the back cover is slightly dirty with some very slight tanning to the edges and a stain to the top edge. |
Daredevil 137 (VG 4.0)
Price: £4.50
Notes: Sep 1976.
Condition: VG (4.0). Some large cover creases, wear/tiny chips to the cover edges and the back cover is a bit dirty. |
Daredevil 139 (VG- 3.5)
Price: £2.65
Notes: Nov 1976.
Condition: VG- (3.5). Slight spine-roll, heavy wear to the top edge and some small cover bends & creases. |
Daredevil 141 (VG 4.0)SOLD
Price: £6.00
Notes: Jan 1977. Bullseye app.
Condition: VG (4.0). Some general wear & spine/cover creasing. |
Daredevil 141 (G/VG 3.0)
Price: £4.50
Notes: Jan 1977. Bullseye app.
Condition: G/VG (3.0). Heavy wear/small tears/chipping to the cover edges. |
Daredevil 142 (FN- 5.5)
Price: £4.25
Notes: Feb 1977.
Condition: FN- (5.5). A few small spine creases and the back cover is slightly dirty. |
Daredevil 144 (VG/FN 5.0)
Price: £3.75
Notes: Apr 1977.
Condition: VG/FN (5.0). Lots of spine creases, light wear and some light tanning to the back cover edges. |
Daredevil 146 (FN/VF 7.0)
Price: £14.00
Notes: Jun 1977. Bullseye app.
Condition: FN/VF (7.0). A few small spine & cover edge creases. |
Daredevil 151 (FN/VF 7.0)
Price: £7.25
Notes: Mar 1978.
Condition: FN/VF (7.0). Nice copy, but with a small dent to the top edge, and a smaller dent to the bottom edge, and a light knock to the top of the spine. |
Daredevil 156 (VF 8.0)
Price: £9.75
Notes: Jan 1979.
Condition: VF (8.0). Nice copy, although miscut at an angle at the spine. A couple of tiny spine creases, and a small pen mark to the top edge of the back cover. |
Daredevil 159 (VF/NM 9.0)
Price: £37.50
Notes: Jul 1979. Miller art.
Condition: VF/NM (9.0). Nice copy with just a couple of tiny spine ticks. |
Daredevil 159 (VG/FN 5.0)
Price: £7.50
Notes: Jul 1979. Miller cover & art.
Condition: VG/FN (5.0). Some spine creases, a large crease to the front cover and the back cover has quite a few creases and a small tear to the edge. |
Daredevil 160 (VF/NM 9.0) penceSOLD
Price: £30.00
Notes: Sep 1979. Miller art, Bullseye app. Pence copy.
Condition: VF/NM (9.0). Nice copy with just a couple of tiny spine ticks. |
Daredevil 164 (G+ 2.5)
Price: £2.75
Notes: May 1980. Origin retold. Miller cover & art.
Condition: G+ (2.5). Light general wear and water stains along the top edge & bottom-right corner. |
Daredevil 165 (VF+ 8.5)
Price: £13.50
Notes: Jul 1980. Miller story & art.
Condition: VF+ (8.5). Nice copy, with just tiny bit of colour rub to the spine, a few tiny spine ticks, and two barely visible production wrinkles to the front cover. Presents better than that makes it sound! |
Daredevil 168 (CGC 9.4)
Price: £450.00
Notes: Jan 1981.
Condition: CGC 9.4. White pages. |
Daredevil 171 (FN/VF 7.0)
Price: £9.75
Notes: Jun 1981. Miller story & art.
Condition: FN/VF (7.0). A few tiny spine ticks, some small light bends, and a small dent and light scratch to the front cover. |
Daredevil 172 (FN/VF 7.0)
Price: £9.75
Notes: Jul 1981. Miller story, cover & art.
Condition: FN/VF (7.0). A few spine creases. |
Daredevil 172 (FN 6.0)
Price: £6.75
Notes: Jul 1981. Miller story & art.
Condition: FN (6.0). A few small spine ticks, and crease/bend to the top edge that affects all pages. |
Daredevil 173 (VF 8.0)
Price: £12.75
Notes: Aug 1981. Miller story, cover & art.
Condition: VF (8.0). A couple of small spine creases and a minor dent to the back cover. |
Daredevil 173 (VG+ 4.5)
Price: £5.00
Notes: Aug 1981. Miller story & art.
Condition: VG+ (4.5). Slight spine-roll, some moderately heavy creases by the spine on the front cover, the covers are slightly dirty, and a small pen line by the bottom edge on the back cover. |
Daredevil 173 (VG- 3.5)
Price: £4.00
Notes: Aug 1981. Miller story, cover & art.
Condition: VG- (3.5). Some spine & cover creases and a water stain to the top of the spine. |
Daredevil 174 (VF 8.0)
Price: £17.50
Notes: Sep 1981. 1st app. of The Hand. Miller story, cover & art.
Condition: VF (8.0). A few small spine ticks & minor cover bends. |
Daredevil 175 (VF+ 8.5)
Price: £16.50
Notes: Oct 1981. Miller story, cover & art.
Condition: VF+ (8.5). A few small spine ticks. |
Daredevil 177 (FR 1.0)
Price: £1.15
Notes: Dec 1981. Miller story, cover & art.
Condition: FR (1.0). Heavy water damage to the whole comic. |
Daredevil 178 (VF+ 8.5)
Price: £13.50
Notes: Jan 1982. Miller story, cover & art.
Condition: VF+ (8.5). A nice copy with just a few small spine creases. |
Daredevil 179 (FN+ 6.5)
Price: £8.00
Notes: Feb 1982. Miller story, cover & art.
Condition: FN+ (6.5). A couple of small spine ticks and a very light crease to the bottom-corner of the front cover. |
Daredevil 180 (VF 8.0)
Price: £12.00
Notes: Mar 1982. Miller story & art. Elektra app.
Condition: VF (8.0). A nice copy with very slight rolling of the spine. |
Daredevil 180 (FN/VF 7.0)
Price: £9.50
Notes: Mar 1982. Miller story, cover & art.
Condition: FN/VF (7.0). A pair of large-ish spine creases. |
Daredevil 182 (VF+ 8.5)
Price: £17.50
Notes: May 1982. Punisher app. Miller story, cover & art.
Condition: VF+ (8.5). Super copy with just the tiniest spine tick & a couple of very minor cover bends and very small production dents by the top staple. |
Daredevil 182 (VG- 3.5)
Price: £5.25
Notes: May 1982. Punisher app. Miller story, cover & art.
Condition: VG- (3.5). Some spine & cover creases and a water stain to the top of the spine. |