Conan the Barbarian 84 (VF+ 8.5)
Price: £4.50
Notes: Mar 1978.
Condition: VF+ (8.5). A couple of small spine creases and ever-so-slightly dirty back cover. |
Conan the Barbarian 85 (VF 8.0)
Price: £4.25
Notes: Apr 1978.
Condition: VF (8.0). A very minor bend and a tiny chip out of the bottom corner of the back cover. |
Conan the Barbarian 86 (VF 8.0)
Price: £4.25
Notes: May 1978.
Condition: VF (8.0). A very slight furrow along the back cover spine and ever-so-slightly dirty back cover. |
Conan the Barbarian 87 (VG- 3.5)
Price: £1.25
Notes: Jun 1978.
Condition: VG- (3.5). Water damage along the spine. |
Conan the Barbarian 88 (VG+ 4.5)
Price: £1.90
Notes: Jul 1978.
Condition: VG+ (4.5). A heavy crease to the back cover. |
Conan the Barbarian 89 (VG/FN 5.0)
Price: £2.15
Notes: Aug 1978.
Condition: VG/FN (5.0). A small water stain to the front cover, a furrow along the back cover spine and a few small creases to the back cover. |
Conan the Barbarian 90 (G+ 2.5)
Price: £1.00
Notes: Sep 1978.
Condition: G+ (2.5). Quite heavy water damage to the comic. |
Conan the Barbarian 91 (FN- 5.5)
Price: £2.35
Notes: Oct 1978.
Condition: FN- (5.5). A heavy dent to the bottom edge and a lesser dent to the right edge. |
Conan the Barbarian 92 (VG/FN 5.0)
Price: £2.15
Notes: Nov 1978.
Condition: VG/FN (5.0). Some creases to the back cover. |
Conan the Barbarian 93 (VG/FN 5.0)SOLD
Price: £2.15
Notes: Dec 1978.
Condition: VG/FN (5.0). A few small spine creases and a several creases to the top of the back cover. |
Conan the Barbarian 94 (FN 6.0)
Price: £2.50
Notes: Jan 1979.
Condition: FN (6.0). A couple of spine creases and a crease to the back cover. |
Conan the Barbarian 95 (FN/VF 7.0)
Price: £3.50
Notes: Feb 1979.
Condition: FN/VF (7.0). A very small knock to the top of the spine to an otherwise nice copy. |
Conan the Barbarian 96 (VF- 7.5)SOLD
Price: £3.85
Notes: Mar 1979.
Condition: VF- (7.5). A slight furrow along the back cover spine and a date stamp to the back cover. |
Conan the Barbarian 97 (FN- 5.5)
Price: £2.35
Notes: Apr 1979.
Condition: FN- (5.5). Slight wear & some small creases to the back cover edges and a slight furrow along the back cover spine. |
Conan the Barbarian 98 (FN- 5.5)SOLD
Price: £2.35
Notes: May 1979.
Condition: FN- (5.5). A few small spine creases and the back cover is a bit dirty with some cover edge creases and a minor tear to the edge. |
Conan the Barbarian 99 (FN- 5.5)
Price: £2.35
Notes: Jun 1979.
Condition: FN- (5.5). A few small spine creases, a pair of minor tears to the top edge of the front cover and ever-so-slightly dirty back cover. |
Conan the Barbarian 100 (VF+ 8.5)
Price: £8.50
Notes: Jul 1979.
Condition: VF+ (8.5). Nice copy with just a slightly dirty back cover. |
Conan the Barbarian 104 (VF+ 8.5)
Price: £3.60
Notes: Nov 1979.
Condition: VF+ (8.5). The back cover has a light bend to the top edge and a date stamp. |
Conan the Barbarian 105 (FN 6.0)
Price: £2.50
Notes: Dec 1979.
Condition: FN (6.0). Some creasing along the back cover spine and a small nick to the top edge of the back cover. |
Conan the Barbarian 107 (VF- 7.5)
Price: £3.25
Notes: Feb 1980.
Condition: VF- (7.5). A few tiny spine ticks and a very light bend along the right edge of the front cover. |
Conan the Barbarian 108 (VF+ 8.5)
Price: £3.65
Notes: Mar 1980.
Condition: VF+ (8.5). A few small spine ticks and a couple of minor cover bends. |
Conan the Barbarian 109 (FN/VF 7.0)
Price: £3.00
Notes: Apr 1980.
Condition: FN/VF (7.0). A thin furrow along the spine, a small spine crease and a light bend to the bottom corner of the back cover. |
Conan the Barbarian 110 (VG/FN 5.0)
Price: £2.15
Notes: May 1980.
Condition: VG/FN (5.0). A small bend/crease to both right-hand corners and a small water stain & nick to the edge to the front cover. |
Conan the Barbarian 111 (FN/VF 7.0)SOLD
Price: £3.00
Notes: Jun 1980.
Condition: FN/VF (7.0). A few small spine ticks, very small knock to the bottom-right corner and a small bend to the top edge of the comic. |
Conan the Barbarian 112 (VF 8.0)
Price: £3.40
Notes: Jul 1980.
Condition: VF (8.0). A few small spine creases and ever-so-slightly dirty back cover. |
Conan the Barbarian 113 (FN- 5.5)
Price: £2.35
Notes: Aug 1980.
Condition: FN- (5.5). A knock/crease to the top of the spine. |
Conan the Barbarian 114 (VF 8.0)
Price: £3.40
Notes: Sep 1980.
Condition: VF (8.0). A few small spine ticks and a small light bend & date stamp to the front cover. |
Conan the Barbarian 115 (NM- 9.2)
Price: £6.75
Notes: Oct 1980. Squarebound. 10th anniversary issue.
Condition: NM- (9.2). A nice copy with a date stamp to the front cover. |
Conan the Barbarian 116 (FN- 5.5)
Price: £2.35
Notes: Nov 1980.
Condition: FN- (5.5). A pair of minor pinches to the spine, small knock to the bottom of the spine and ever-so-slightly dirty back cover with minor wear to the edges. |
Conan the Barbarian 117 (VF- 7.5)
Price: £3.25
Notes: Dec 1980.
Condition: VF- (7.5). A furrow along the spine and a few small spine creases. |
Conan the Barbarian 118 (VF- 7.5)
Price: £3.25
Notes: Jan 1981.
Condition: VF- (7.5). A slight furrow along the back cover spine. |
Conan the Barbarian 119 (VF+ 8.5)
Price: £3.60
Notes: Feb 1981.
Condition: VF+ (8.5). A couple of small spine ticks and minor cover bends and a date stamp to the front cover. |
Conan the Barbarian 120 (VF- 7.5)
Price: £3.25
Notes: Mar 1981.
Condition: VF- (7.5). A very slight furrow along the spine and slightly dirty back cover. |
Conan the Barbarian 121 (FN+ 6.5)
Price: £2.75
Notes: Apr 1981.
Condition: FN+ (6.5). Several spine creases & small cover bends and slightly dirty back cover. |
Conan the Barbarian 122 (VF 8.0)
Price: £3.40
Notes: May 1981.
Condition: VF (8.0). A few small spine creases and very slightly dirty back cover. |
Conan the Barbarian 123 (VF- 7.5)
Price: £3.25
Notes: Jun 1981.
Condition: VF- (7.5). A few small spine ticks, a very small bottom corner crease to the front cover and the back cover is very slightly dirty with a small bend to the top edge. |
Conan the Barbarian 124 (VF+ 8.5)SOLD
Price: £3.60
Notes: Jul 1981.
Condition: VF+ (8.5). A very slight furrow along the spine. |
Conan the Barbarian 125 (VF+ 8.5)
Price: £3.60
Notes: Aug 1981.
Condition: VF+ (8.5). A nice copy with ever-so-slightly dirty back cover. |
Conan the Barbarian 126 (VF 8.0)
Price: £3.40
Notes: Sep 1981.
Condition: VF (8.0). A very slight furrow along the spine and a few small spine ticks. |
Conan the Barbarian 127 (FN/VF 7.0)
Price: £3.00
Notes: Oct 1981.
Condition: FN/VF (7.0). A few small spine ticks, very small top-corner crease to the front cover and slightly dirty back cover. |
Conan the Barbarian 129 (FN- 5.5)
Price: £2.35
Notes: Dec 1981.
Condition: FN- (5.5). A light vertical bend to the comic, a few small spine ticks and a couple of minor printing ink smudges to the back cover. |
Conan the Barbarian 130 (VG+ 4.5)
Price: £1.90
Notes: Jan 1982.
Condition: VG+ (4.5). A large crease to the front cover and first two inside pages. |
Conan the Barbarian 131 (VF 8.0)
Price: £3.40
Notes: Feb 1982.
Condition: VF (8.0). The back cover is very slightly dirty with a few small cover edge bends. |
Conan the Barbarian 132 (VG/FN 5.0)
Price: £2.15
Notes: Mar 1982.
Condition: VG/FN (5.0). A few spine & cover creases. |
Conan the Barbarian 133 (VF 8.0)
Price: £3.40
Notes: Apr 1982.
Condition: VF (8.0). A very slight furrow along the back cover spine and the back cover is very slightly dirty. |
Conan the Barbarian 134 (VF- 7.5)
Price: £3.25
Notes: May 1982.
Condition: VF- (7.5). A very small bottom-corner crease to the front cover. |
Conan the Barbarian 135 (VF/NM 9.0)SOLD
Price: £4.25
Notes: Jun 1982.
Condition: VF/NM (9.0). Nice copy with just a very slight furrow along the spine. |
Conan the Barbarian 136 (NM- 9.2)
Price: £5.10
Notes: Jul 1982.
Condition: NM- (9.2). Nice copy. |
Conan the Barbarian 137 (VF 8.0)
Price: £3.40
Notes: Aug 1982.
Condition: VF (8.0). A few small spine ticks and very slightly dirty back cover. |
Conan the Barbarian 138 (FN+ 6.5)
Price: £2.75
Notes: Sep 1982.
Condition: FN+ (6.5). A small top-corner crease to the front cover to an otherwise nice copy. |